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An Example in Ductile Iron Casting  Axle Housing for Skid-Steer Loader

Axle Housing for a Skid-Steer Loader

Mounted Housing
The Application -- The axle housing is a key structural component in the drive train of the Mustang skid-steer loader, used for lifting and moving earth and heavy items at construction sites. The axle housings serve as mounting points for the front and rear axles and contain the bearing assemblies that support the axles.
Component Description -- The axle housing is designed as a cylinder on a rectangular base plate with a total weight of 65 pounds.
  • The housing is 9" high and the base plate is 12" x 15". The cylinder is reinforced with four rib stiffeners and the base plate has eight mounting holes for bolting the housing to the frame. The mounting holes are slot-shaped for use on two differently sized loader models.
  • The critical performance issues for the housing are high stiffness, resistance to load and impact stresses and alignment for the eight bolt holes.
  • There are four axle housings on each loader and the annual production is 8,000 housings.
  • The specified alloy is ductile cast iron Grade 80-55-06.





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Last Modified:May, 2000 by STG

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