Any SFSA member can participate in any of these meetings that they feel they might benefit from or be able to contribute to.
In the past, SFSA’s membership was divided into four georgraphic divisions: North-Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western. This was done to help mitigate the historically higher cost of travel for members.
Today the divisions provide historical organization to the society; however yearly meetings of the divisions are now organized around technical or operating topic areas. The divisional meetings are open to all members and not restricted to members of a given division . Instead of calling these divisional meetings, they are now referred to by their focus subject for the meeting. The focus subject ranges from broad to narrow steel foundry subjects.
Meetings are organized around two staple SFSA activities – a tour and a roundtable. Both of these enable our industry to share ideas, and help our industry grow stronger through collaboration and networking that occurs at SFSA meetings.